Apex Of Survival
- August 19, 2023 by SENSBOW#unity 3d, #3d, #unity, #survival, #tension, #america, #japan, #bomb, #nuclear, #singleplayer, #sensbow, #apex of survival[Game Dev Log] - [Apex for Survival] [Week 2] - [8/19/2023] Overview During this week, we remained deeply engrossed in the imaginative and progressive journey of crafting "Apex for Survival." Our rele... Continue reading
- August 16, 2023 by SENSBOW#unity 3d, #3d, #singleplayer, #adventure, #survival, #devlog, #Apex for Survival[Game Dev Log] : [Apex for Survival] [Week 1] - [8/16/2023] Overview During this week, our team dived headfirst into the development of "Apex for Survival," channeling our creativity and technical pro... Continue reading
- August 14, 2023 by SENSBOW#devlog, #game, #3d, #unity, #survival, #japan, #america, #bomb, #boomGame Dev Log: [APEX FOR SURVIVAL] Week [1] - [8/14/2023] Overview This week was a whirlwind of creativity and progress as we dove headfirst into the development for my game,i pushed the boundaries of... Continue reading